Wednesday 4 March 2009

A Few Thoughts For The Day...

So, not so many thoughts today, well at least not ones that I can put down in such a public place!But I do keep coming back to one though which is unsurprisingly random, totally pointless and somewhat bizarre...

It's that drop of rain crying its way down a pane of glass, that cloud in the azure sky, that wave in the angry ocean. I can't for the life of me help but think..where do they go. After I see them where will they be tomorrow for example.

Now I'm not stupid, I know its more a romantic sort of day dreamy way that I'm looking at it but i cant help it! I just have this habit of...not obsessing but thinking over the minutiae of every day utterly meaningless things, objects, sights.

But then, I suppose something is only truly meaningless if it means nothing to no one.
Perhaps I think to much, actually I know I do, but I guess there is a reason for it & I guess its not always a bad thing!

Another classic is looking out at the stars on a clear night. Sometimes I am just utterly blown away, mesmerised by the sheer grandness of it all, the way that it dwarfs us all and we are so utterly insignificant. The juxtaposition of that insignificance and then having to deal with problems in everyday life that seem so very important to every individual fascinates and appals me!

For example, we worry about what we're going to have for dinner, about paying bills etc etc, while all the time there's a universe out there we are missing out on.
It saddens me that we aren't out there seeing and exploring it.
Although the cynic in me thinks its perhaps not a bad thing. Until the human race as a whole grows up and takes responsibility.

Were destroying our own planet because we can and because it makes us money, so best kept in our little cage for now I suppose! Not that I'm a massive save the planet type.
I think if we fuck it up then we deserve what we get, everything will carry on regardless.
Its that insignificance again see, its only us that are concerned with our survival, who else cares?

Wow really jumping around subjects here, well to be expected, first blog, ill home in on what I want to I'm sure, feels good just to write again.

Enough for now...

Tuesday 3 March 2009

My Brand New Super Shiny Super-Charged Blog!


So here it is, possibly the thing I've been needing for a long time (not a shag, I hear the cynics cry), but somewhere shiny I can put down all the things I'm thinking in my overactive little brain machine.

All my musings, Ideas, rantings and perhaps just sheer randomness. Yes.
I find it hard to begin to think about the things I think about so maybe, just possibly I can get a little sense out of some of them and if not... then at the very least it'll give me an opportunity to peer at them, in the same way that a child might peer through a sweetshop window in awe (obviously I'm harking back to a time when such sweets existed & kids weren't getting ASBO's left right and centre).

But, I digress. I do really. Often.
I can see this is going to be a lot of bluster and jumping all over the place, the writing that is but I think that's good, for me that's good, it should be creative and insightful.

I do intend to put a lot of thoughts down here over the coming days, weeks, months and perhaps even years, of little interest to anyone be they prince or pauper ill be bound.

But important to me.

So.. it begins.....